Friday, May 29, 2015

All You Need To Know About Locating DIY Garage Door Opener Replacements

While it is recommended that one utilize the services of a professional technician when installing a garage door, it is possible to complete the task independently. Regardless of whether the garage door is installed independently or through a professional, it is possible that the garage door opener can fail. This article will provide information on locating replacement garage door openers and the various considerations to take into account when purchasing these items.

The Warranty

When purchasing any item it is recommended that one determine the presence and type of warranty. Certain individuals are not interested in the availability of a warranty; whereas, there are other individuals who are highly considered with warranties. Regardless of your opinion on the warranty, it is recommended that you have knowledge of the different warranties that may be offered.

Garage door systems often present with a lifetime motor and belt warranty; however, others can offer either a two year or four year warranty on both motor and belt. It is vital that one understand the terms of the agreement before purchasing the replacement opener as both belts and motors can wear out quickly. If one opts for a time-limited warranty, it is advised that you discuss the option for warranty extensions.

The Lighting

It is highly recommended that one identify the various lighting options available when making a garage opener purchase. Lighting is important as it contributes to the lighting of the area when the sun has set. Some features that must be considered are the number of lights available with the system; the wattage of the lights available; and, the type of lighting lens covers. Wattage and amount of lights should be based on the size of the garage interior with larger garages requiring a greater amount of lights. It is recommended that one purchase opaque lens covers as this will reduce the amount of insects drawn to the item.


The Horsepower

A significant factor to examine when purchasing a DIY garage door opener is the horsepower of the item. Horsepower provides information on the amount of power the item utilizes to complete a task. The average horsepower of effective garage door openers is 1/2 hp; however, the horsepower required will depend on the size of the garage door. Many times, the information in the package will describe the amount of horsepower and how much HP you’ll need to move your door.

With this information, you should be able to choose the right opener for your needs. For more information from an expert garage door repair company in Phoenix, AZ, visit

The post All You Need To Know About Locating DIY Garage Door Opener Replacements appeared first on Little B's Phoenix Blog.

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